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Somewhat unfinished project for Pirate Jam 15 - Shadows and Alchemy


Noctis Witch is an auto-battler idle game where you continuously add effects to your chemical flasks to battle stronger and stronger eldritch horrors.

You will die against the unrelenting onslaught of the deep, but death is not the end. You keep all of your upgrades on death, amassing the power to make it further and further over time. How far can you go?

Game by Dracoraz. Apologies for it being pretty unfinished, I ran out of time :P

Note: There is no saving due to the time constraints of a jam game, so please don't get too invested!

Used Assets

'AGSFontSetSerif' by Hazel Abbiati - released under DaFont 100% Free.

'04b03' by 04 - released under DaFont.

Design Document:


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(1 edit) (+1)

Feels like the only viable options are +3 dmg, and healing

Honestly I'm glad to hear this because from my testing +3 damage was still a little underwhelming, so it's good you found success with it! Thank you for playing!


Its pretty decent, cause it STACKS (which means 3rd and 4th attacks just wreck stuff)

And as long as you are healing up nicely, it allows you to get close to 100 with 2 or 3 potions)

If block created a permanent reduction (for that battle) it would be on par with heal, but as it is, its almost worthless.

Poison, is only useful in long drawn out battles, and these arent even remotely long enough...

Damage to all, is way too low to be useful, sadly. If you were planning on making parties bigger, on both ends, perhaps...

Poison and splash do combo, though admittedly splash probably should have been more powerful on its own

(1 edit) (+1)

The problem with the splash poison combo is the you are still FORCED to use one of the 3 attribute slots on direct damage.  


If you could get the flask to do AOE damage, poison, and heal or shield, it might be more useful.  

Also, since, from what I can see, there is a max of 2 enemies, the AOE is sorta wasted, if you could splash poison 3+ enemies it would be cool, but since the moment the first enemy dies the aoe becomes useless, it's just not worth it.

That's understandable, I do still wish I could have added encounters with more/different enemies before the jam submission


Noctis Witch Gameplay

Cheers for that :)


Fun game, like the art style. Definitely needs more enemy variety, bosses and maybe story. Great basis though.


Enemy variety definitely took a hit due to the time constraints, initially wanted to add at least 1 boss too but never got around to it. Thanks for playing regardless!


Don't know why, but I find it extremely annoying that the screen fades to black after every round.

That's fair! If I were to continue this I'd definitely like to add an option to make that less jarring